Friday, October 29, 2010


WOW! I have become the worst blogger ever. So much has happened since the last post in July! So, let me get to it.

August--- Natalia turned 1/2 a year old. That was a bitter sweet celebration. She is so full of life and I am so happy to say she is my daughter.

September-- Nothing major happened. We were in the process of buying a house and that ended up taking a lot longer than anyone thought possible.

October--- We OWN a house now!!!!! We moved in on Sweetest Day, so Dan thinks that will be my gift for the next 20 years. :) He he. Natalia now says "Dada" and has her two bottom teeth. I know you want to see what she looks like now, so I will post a few pictures. She is going to be a flower for Halloween.

I will try to keep up more with this blog, considering family and friends far away like to know what is going on with our family.

Love to all!!!