In 2 months we will be celebrating the birth of Natalia that happened a year ago. I can't believe that our sweet bundle of joy slipped into this world almost a year ago. I get misty eyed when friends bring up this joyous event that we will be celebrating soon, but they are so very happy tears. I don't know what our live would be like without Natalia. Sure I do, our living room would be clutter free, our counter space would appear larger than what it is, our dining room would not have a Sesame Street floor mat, and we would not be sitting in on NYE in our house. I wouldn't trade any of that in. I love that I have to constantly pick up hand fulls of plastic balls that she has thrown about the room (sure I might grumble under my breath about every one of them) and I hate that I can never find the ONE duck that belongs with his family, and that I always manage to step on Buzz Lightyear's foot! This just simply means we have a healthy, precious baby in our home and with that I am very thankful! Have a look at the dolly----
She is a character and she knows it! She is working so hard on those top teeth. They are just taking their time coming in, and for pete's sake, after a few months you would think they would be in. This girl is a trooper though to deal with them. She has her "off" time at night, and cries and all I can do is hug her and pray harder that they will just pop through already!
Dan and I moved into our first HOME in October and 2 months later we have most certainly made this house a home. We are not fully unpacked and won't be for a while, but the important stuff has been placed in it's proper locations. There is a few updates we have made and it's so rewarding to see the after math of a big project.
Night night for now. More in 2011! I promise!! :)