As a mom of 2 now, I pray every morning while I am getting ready, that my girls know how much they are loved by their daddy and I and that all we want for them is to be happy girls. I read a blog today about how all our children want is US. They don't care about the curtains, paint colors, lack of decorations, etc. Natalia and Leona just want Dan and I to be present in their lives and teaching them all that we possibly can.
I decided to make grilled cheese and soup for lunch. Not a hard task right---it turned into one, when Leona decided she needed to eat at that exact moment and I was trying to juggle grilled cheese (with Turkey), soup, a bottle, and cereal with apples. Grilled cheese doesn't have the same taste when mommy burns the bread. Natalia must of known that I burnt it and that I was sad. She looked into my eyes and with her sweet innocence said, "It's Ok, love you." I sent that to my mom via text and she replied, "Children live what they learn."
It's so true, the other day she colored on the carpet in the dining room with "washable" markers and instead of getting mad or upset, I said, "It's ok, I love you." There are times when we do get upset about things (biting her sister, throwing a sippy cup at sisters head. . . )but when it's something that small, like coloring on the carpet, all I can do is smile, tell her we color on the paper and clean it up. There is still a small pink mark on the carpet that is not going anywhere and when I vacuum I see it, smile, and know that all too soon I will miss having little hands coloring on my carpet.
So, for now I just want to be present in their lives, I want them to say to me someday,"Mom, thank you for being a part of our lives when we were growing up and not getting upset when we did some not-so-smart things."
(Thank you mom/dad for not getting upset at ME when I was younger for doing some pretty not-so-smart-things, but choosing to love me instead.)