I guess if you don't have kids, you can't fully know what a SAHM mom does all day, can you? I don't care what anyone thinks, I have NEVER had a bon-bon before and I don't sit on the couch all day.
I am one person with many titles: Teacher, referee, cook, doctor, boo boo kisser, diaper changer, bottle feeder, clothes washer/folder, organizer, cleaner (to some extent, ha), MOM, Wife, Friend, daughter.
My paycheck does not come in the form of a check, but rather Hugs, kisses, drawings, new discoveries, smiles, and cuddles.
I found a poem that describes how I feel:
A Stay-at-Home Mom Am I
What can I tell you
About the life I am living
Will I impress you
With all the things I did?
It may not mean a lot to you
But my life has meant lots to me
The greatest two days of my life
Was the births of she and she.
Since the days my kids were born
Little girl and little girl
I haven’t worried much about me
I was absorbed with her and her.
Spent days in the kitchen
Cooking up lots of stuff
Spent time playing
Never really cleaned enough.
Never got the cobwebs
Dust seemed to be everywhere
But boy did we have fun
Which was beyond compare.
Watching those Disney movies
Ordering a pizza or two
Playing with our puzzles
Saying “I love you.”
I wouldn’t change a thing
About how my life is lived
Because the best thing of all
Is doing what I do.
Being a mom of two
Watching them both grow
Has brought me so much happiness
More than anyone will ever know.
A stay-at-home mom was I
Not a fancy title did I have
But I have memories I will treasure forever
Of the best life I could have ever had.
About the life I am living
Will I impress you
With all the things I did?
It may not mean a lot to you
But my life has meant lots to me
The greatest two days of my life
Was the births of she and she.
Since the days my kids were born
Little girl and little girl
I haven’t worried much about me
I was absorbed with her and her.
Spent days in the kitchen
Cooking up lots of stuff
Spent time playing
Never really cleaned enough.
Never got the cobwebs
Dust seemed to be everywhere
But boy did we have fun
Which was beyond compare.
Watching those Disney movies
Ordering a pizza or two
Playing with our puzzles
Saying “I love you.”
I wouldn’t change a thing
About how my life is lived
Because the best thing of all
Is doing what I do.
Being a mom of two
Watching them both grow
Has brought me so much happiness
More than anyone will ever know.
A stay-at-home mom was I
Not a fancy title did I have
But I have memories I will treasure forever
Of the best life I could have ever had.
How so very true. Some of the words were changed to match my current situation, but regardless, she understands, and wrote a poem about it. I have never regretted giving up my days in a daycare center to be a SAHM. I do miss the cable TV we once had, but had to get rid of, and not being able to go on vacation this summer, but in the end what matters most is being able to watch my girls grow up.
I know that some of my readers (Hi CW and KK!!!) are working moms and I am NOT saying that I am better in any way, shape, or form. I give kudos to the working moms out there too. I don't know that I would be able to handle working, on top of the household things that I take care of when the girls are napping.
Regardless if we are a working mom or are able to stay home, we are all after ONE goal: To give our children the best possible life we can. So, to the lady who thinks I just stay at home and it must be nice, think again. It is many jobs/rolled up into one and I bet you get a break at some point in your day, or can use the toilet alone. That won't happen around here for a long time, and in the end, I would not want to have it any other way.
Ok. My "break" is up. Thanks for reading!