Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daddy's First Post

Hi Everyone,

It's Dan here. Beth's taking a nap and I'm waiting for dinner to heat up, so I thought I'd make a quick post. I keep telling Beth that I'm going to post, but haven't done it yet.

Monday brought our 2nd doctor's appointment. They tried using the doppler, but couldn't pick up the heart beat with it, so we got another ultrasound. Yay!! Once they got it focused on the baby, you could see the heart beating away. It was so great to see. It's amazing to see the woman I love carrying our child. I never could've imagined the joy it gives me. I can't wait until we can see more clearly and make out parts of the baby better (speaking of which, the heartbeat was 176 bpm leading Beth to think the baby is a girl. I'd appreciate any evidence to the contrary, but of course I'll love the baby whether a girl or boy). Hopefully, when the time comes we'll have the $$ for the 3D ultrasound.

Well that's all I have now. Hopefully I will have more news to post soon on another topic, but I'll wait till I have news to talk about that. Have a great day everyone!!

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