I haven't posted anything that hasn't been from a website in a while. Where do I even begin? On Tuesday September 8 Dan and I went to the doctor for our 16 week check up! Everything was perfect. My blood pressure was great too. It had been a tiny bit high the last time, but this time it was right where it should be. The baby is located where she needs to be and I am still getting sick. Well, I am not sure that getting sick is still supposed to be happening, but it is and I have come to live with it. Soon enough it will be gone, and then I can enjoy food without having to wonder how fast I will need to run to the nearest sink or toilet.
I have felt flutters now and then, and within the next few weeks I should feel more movement. I am beyond excited for this. Dan touches my belly when I say I feel a flutter, and his response is always the same, I didn't feel anything. Sorry Dan, you won't until she starts to really move around and tries to kick you. :)
Speaking of Dan, he is a great husband. He makes dinner every night and sometimes what he makes just doesn't sit well, so he will go and make something else for me instead. Who would do that really? He has been helping out with laundry as well. I know I should have tons more energy, but after working with 8 needy babies all day, the last thing I can ever seem to find is energy. I thank God every day that he has blessed us with one baby on the way and not 8! I don't think I could survive with 8 all by myself. I know I couldn't, so thank you again God for the one that is on the way.
As my belly gets bigger it is becoming more and more real (besides when we hear the heart beat which always bring a tear to my eyes) that there is in fact a human developing inside of me and that is something that I will never be able to wrap my mind around. I could read hundreds and hundreds of books on the developing life and it would still amaze me.
In 3 weeks from Tuesday we will hopefully know the sex of the baby. I am leaning towards a girl, but as long as the baby is healthy I will be content wtih a boy too. Dan is going to find out at the doctors office, and I am not. He is going to do something, and I can't tell you what just yet, because well, I don't know. He is going to do something that will reveal the sex to me later during the day or evening on Tuesday October 6th. So, calling you right after the appointment won't be an option, sorry! BUT, I will post it on here, so if your reading this, come back to the blog Tuesday night and you may find out the sex before some of my family members do.
It's getting late, and I am in need of some food and so is the baby. She told me :) So, for now I will say, "talk to you later."
Beth and Baby
Yay!! I'm so excited for you guys!
ReplyDeleteSo it is a her.
ReplyDeleteWe will find out the 9th. LOL. When I blog about the baby I ALWAYS say "her." Dan is always saying "He." So, it just depends.
ReplyDeleteHope everything went well at the appointment! Can't wait to hear the news!