The ideal wakeup:
"Honey, breakfast is ready. Natalia and I made you a delicious assortment."
The actual wakeup:
Natalia: blood curdling scream
Dan: "CALL 911!!"
Sunday morning I got up at 4:30 to feed Natalia (she took her whole bottle, which was good because she hasn't been doing that lately since she had a minor viral infection) and then put her back down. I got up again around 7:30 to feed her before making breakfast for Beth. This time Natalia only took 2.5 ounces. That was fine. I figured I'd put her in the bouncy seat and get breakfast started and then try giving her the rest of the bottle. So I put her in the seat, strapped her in and set it on the kitchen counter as we had done many times before. However this time the counter was crowded so it was overhanging the edge a little, but I THOUGHT it was stable enough for a few seconds while I cleared off more room so that I could get it on the rest of the way. This was the biggest mistake of my life.
No sooner did I turn to move a bag than the seat tipped off the counter with Natalia in it. Did I see it falling out of the corner of my eye? Did I hear it crash to the floor? Did I hear Natalia scream? I still don't know...It was such a blur. All I know is that a million things went through my mind at once. I screamed for Beth to call 911. The "Falls from more than twice their height can be fatal" from our Baby Safety class last fall kept running through my mind. I kept thinking about her soft little skull and her delicate brain within it. "Is my baby going to die because I was stupid?" "Is she going to have brain damage?" "WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HER??"
Well, God was watching over her and protecting her. The ambulance arrived so quickly. The E.R. staff was so good with her. After X-Rays and a CT Scan everything checked out fine. All she ended up with was a minor abrasion on her upper gum, and a small scrape on her chin.
This meant she was going to be OK. PRAISE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH!!!
Unfortunately it did have complications, but I will let Beth continue.
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I'm so glad she is okay! That must have been terrifying! I got your question in the formspring box. Send your email address through the formspring box and I'll email you back. That way we don't have to send our info out into the net.