We couldn't happier about this amazing blessing. I am "due" December 7th. Just 3 days before my brothers and cousins birthday. Will it be a trio celebration? I hope not! I don't want to be over due! Yuck. I am thinking around Thanksgiving this bundle of joy will make an appearance. If it was safe for me to go in the middle of November I would to honor my Grandpa's birthday. We lost him in May and it still hurts my heart to think that Natalia and future children never got to know him. I was so very blessed to have known my great-grandpa and enjoy his presence while on earth.
Ok. Enough sadness for one post---Back to Natalia. She is 16 months old and is growing by leaps and bounds. She never crawled or pulled up on things until this last month. On her 15 month check up her doctor was concerned with her muscle tone and her not walking so we were referred to a PT. We have gone 3 times and every time she cries because we are not with her (when we are with her, she doesn't want to do anything.) So, we had to show some tough love and something is working. Because I am so very happy to say that she is not pulling up on anything and everything---even stairs! She is starting to crawl as well and I can't help but hoop and howler when she does it! It is so incredible to see her change right before my very eyes. She is a mama's girl for sure! I love it. I love hearing "Mama" in the morning and now I hear "I wove you" in the morning as well and that just makes my heart melt. How can one tiny being take up so much space in ones heart? She does a great job of it!
I haven't been sick like I was with Natalia, but I have had sickness in the morning. Natalia caught on and coughs when I cough (which is normally a sign that I will be getting sick.) At first we thought she was choking and then realized what was going on. Stinker.
Well, I have written enough to keep you guys reading for a while. I will have an ultra sound at the end of July and hopefully the baby will cooperate with us. :)
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