*I am blessed to have the parents I have. But, even more blessed to have them be the grandparents of my children.*
They say a picture is worth a thousand words:
*This picture has me in happy tears. I can't think of just one caption for it. It makes my heart happy to see this.
This too:
*I can almost hear a conversation between these two: "Mimi, he is eating lunch." "He is a slob-o, he spilled hay all over." My mom is honest and I chuckle when I hear slob-o.
(We spent a few hours walking around the zoo and Natalia and Leona took so much in that day. Thank you Mom and Dad for spending a Saturday afternoon with us and the stinky animals.
How in world is this sweet girl 10 months old already? She is an absolute sweetheart and I can't imagine her not here.
*She has 2 teeth fully in, the 3rd is working it's way in. We found out the 3rd had came down when my mom heard her grinding her little teeth together. Nail.On.A.Chalkboard. Ick.
*She army crawls and hand/knee crawls like it's her job.
*She is solely on table food and MUST feed her self, or else she will not eat. You have been warned future babysitters.
*She pulls up on anything she can get her tiny hands on, even on things that aren't supposed to be pulled up on.
*She is drinking whole milk and looks forward to each and every bottle.
*She says Mama, dada, baba, lala, goo goo, gaga,
*She sleeps from 8/8:30- 7:15ish, and still takes 2 naps 9:30-10:30 and 1-3:30/4
*She loves to be around her sister most days.
*She recognizes familiar faces and hates when mommy leaves, even for a second.
*She is ATTACHED to her pink elephant snuggle blanket that she sleeps with. I tried taking it away to wash it, and she felt around for it while her eyes were closed! Ha. I like that she loves that elephant. I had a security blanket for a LONG time, and I turned out ok.
*She is the cuddliest(made up word??) baby I know and I love rocking at night with her.
Ok. That is the end of this post. I need to read and relax before we start another day.
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