Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Tad Bit Behind.....

So, when my friend kari said that I needed to update my blog, she wasn't kidding. Well, I will share a tad bit about Natalia (pictures will have to wait until tomorrow) and then I am going to share a story about life and death.

Natalia is 4.5 months old! I am so scared to blink anymore. She will be entering preschool before I know it!! She weighed 11 lbs 12 oz at her last check up and was 25 inches long. She is doing fantastic. I was anticipating her wonderful doctor to say to start cereal and that's it. But, because Natalia is on the tiny side, she said we could start fruits and veggies. Well, it took about a week or so for Natalia to figure out what to do, and now she loves her breakfast and dinner. She LOVES squash and isn't to sure about the fruit yet. Which is very odd to me. Normally it's the other way around. As long as she eats something I am happy. When I give her squash she is very petiete demanding about how fast I feed it to her. I would NEVER let her lick the container if she is still hungry! What kind of mother do you think I am. Don't answer that! We have been blessed with a baby that likes to sleep at night and take 2-3 short naps during the day. She is almost always happy, unless she is tired or it is near 7 PM and that is when she turns into a witch!! None the less, we love you Natalia.

Ok,so now onto my story.

My friend had a baby on July 4th!! and I was up visiting her on the 5th. The small details won't seem important to you, but they are what makes the story. I had went up alone--Dan and Natalia stayed in the waiting area. I was so darn excited to hold a new born baby that I forgot her gift on the seat next to Dan. I was up in her room for about 20 minutes or so then I decided I should go only because Dan was with Natalia and she gets crabby around her nap times. So, I ran back to the lobby and got the gift, ran back up to the 3rd floor and then delivered the gift. (Note: I didn't actually run, I took an elevator that took it's time going from floor to floor.) I then took Natalia to get a diaper change and went back to the waiting area. Then, Dan went to the bathroom. Then, IT WAS FINALLY MY TURN!!!! As I was washing my hands I was sort of listening to a conversation a young lady was having on her phone. Here is what I could hear:

Young Lady: She had an infection. It spread to her heart. There was nothing they could do. (At this point there are tears streaming down her face. I can put 2 and 2 together.......)

Me: Do you need a hug?

Young Lady: Yes please!!!!

As we are hugging- we are talking/crying-- (Her) My mama,she is gone! (Me) Oh sweetheart! I know this is going to be a rough time for you. Can I pray for you!?

I said a prayer for her in the bathroom with tears streaming down my face. I am a Christian but have never done anything out of the ordinary for my character. This was the first time in my life since I have been saved that I finally felt Christ talking to me, and asking me to be there for this young lady. I walked out of that bathroom as a changed person!

It was a bittersweet moment. First celebrating a life that was just brought into this world, then only moments later mourning the loss of someone's mother.

God is so good!
