Friday, February 26, 2010

Post Pregnancy Facts....

If you remember me writing this post then you will enjoy reading this updated version.

Pregnancy can do some strange things to your body and that it did! I had a list of random pregnancy facts about me and I am now going to share the post facts although, there are not many compared to during the pregnancy.

1. I no longer have heart burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippie. My best friend TUMS has been put back into the medicine closet and will return when we are expecting our next child.

2. My shoes fit again and are a tad bit big actually. The swelling went down right away pretty much in my feet. My ankles though are another story.

3. I can eat Mexican again, namely Pepe's!!!! It tasted so good after having to give it up for 8 months!

4. I can get up in the mornings and not have to run to the bathroom or a sink or anything in which I can get sick in.

5. My skin is back to normal. I was getting awful acne on my chin and for the most part, it has cleared up!!

6. I lost 14 lbs after she was born!!! 6 pounds to go to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, and well a tab bit more to my "goal" weight.

7. My appetite has disappeared, so for the most part I eat just to get enough nutrients to feed Natalia. I hope it returns soon.

8. I am sleeping like a baby at night and that is kind of scary because we need to wake up when Natalia does for a diaper or feeding.

9. I can put my socks on and not almost pass out while doing so!!!!!

10. I was able to shave my legs all by myself for the first time in months!! Thanks Dan for your previous help, but it won't be needed again until we add another Harkness to the bunch.

11. My sense of smell is not as strong as it was just weeks ago. I can still smell things that Dan can't but not nearly like before.

12. Natalia was born on the 19th and her cord fell off one week after she was born. :) I thought it was going to stay on for longer.

13. My belly button never popped out!!!!!

14. We are now doing more laundry than ever before in our lives!! It is well worth it though even if it means having to clean up spit up often.

That is all I can think of for now. I would love to know who is reading the blogs I write. So, please comment. Everyone should be able to, regardless if you have an account or not!



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Monday, February 22, 2010

You can take the birth plan, and toss it out the window....

Hello there,

The post below this one was absolutely amazing to read. I am so very proud of myself for having the strength to delivery a baby WITHOUT an epidural!!

Yes, I had a birth plan, because that is what I like to do, plan things. Well, this is one BIG event I was not able to plan and pretty much nothing went the way I wanted it to, except the end result: delivering a healthy baby. Sure, I had a vision of how the laboring would pan out and that was far from what really happened. I knew from the very beginning that an epidural was not for me. I have a very big pain tolerance and that was proven on the 19th when I gave birth with only two doses of pain medication. I don't really have a rhyme or reason why I was anti-epidural, I just didn't have the desire to get one and a lot of people questioned that, especially the doctor who delivered Natalia. I am not gonna lie, the pain at the very end made me think twice about getting one, and in the end, well by the time I was thinking about it, it was toooooooo late!

I am so very amazed at the human body in general. I was worried I would have to push for days ( ok, not literally days, but at most, hours) and my determination was strong enough, that I had her out in about 12 pushes- 15 minutes!! WOW.

So, when we decide to have another blessing added to our family, I will plan on NOT having a birthing plan and let nature take its course.

**I was very nice to Dan during the labor aspect, I only said one "mean" thing, and that was SHUSH when he told me to breathe. It was easier and more "rewarding" for me to scream than to think about breathing. After she was born, I was able to breathe. :)

With that said, I have a baby girl that wants to hang out with her mama. I will be back soon, til then I plan on getting to know Natalia and that is one plan I know I will be able to keep!!!!!!!!!

Much love,
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Announcing the birth

I am proud to announce the birth of our beautiful baby girl. But first:


Around 9:00, Beth sent me a text that she thought she might be having contractions 7 minutes apart. I replied back asking if she was still in bed and she said she was getting up to take a shower. She then sent one asking if amniotic fluid was clear or yellowish. I told her I thought clear and to let me know when she was out of the shower. In the meantime I googled and found that generally it's clear, but can be other colors.

When she got out of the shower she called and she said the contractions had went away once she got up and that what she had leaking was yellowish. So I told her she could call the doctor if she wanted a better answer. In the mean time, I went on with work as I figured it was just false labor and urine leaking, but just in case, I decided to have my Friday meeting with my boss earlier rather than later. I was only in his office about 5 minutes when one of the secretaries came in and said "Dan, you need to call Beth, her water broke. She just called." So I quickly headed to my desk and called Beth back and as everyone looked on asking "Is it time?" shut down my computer and headed out. When I got home, I literally ran into the building and to the elevator.

On the way to the hospital, Beth had a couple of contractions but they were irregular and stopped once we got to the birth center. The nurse checked and said her bag did break but they couldn't tell which part of the baby was presenting because Beth was hardly dilated and the cervix and the baby were still very high up. Because of the risk of a prolapsed cord, she had to stay in bed. When the Dr. checked her, she confirmed that Natalia was head down, so we could proceed with labor and hoping for a vaginal birth, but there were still some decent chances that we may have to have a c-section.

We started pitocin and contractions finally started around 12-12:30, but remained irregular. By 5:00 they were pretty intense and Beth went for the stadol (as opposed to an epidural). That helped for nearly 2 hours and then she needed another dose. By 9:30 or so, they checked her and she was at 5cm. She was able to hold off on another dose of pain medicine for a little bit, but soon after was having a hard time and felt the urge to push. We convinced her to hold off and paged the nurse. The nurse was going to get the Dr. to see if she could have another dose, but when she heard that Beth felt the urge to push, she checked and found that she was fully dilated at 10 cm. So instead of more pain medicine she prepped for pushing and got the Dr. Beth's mother and I held her legs and counted for her and with probably only about 15 minutes of pushing Beth delivered our beautiful baby girl. Beth of course immediately turned to smiles and didn't appear to feel an ounce of pain and I broke down into an emotional wreck at the joy and beauty of this new life.

Natalia Rachel Harkness
Born: 2/19/10 at 10:34 PM
Weight: 5 lb 14 oz.
Length: 18.9 inches
Hair: Very little, appears to be blonde

I would like to give praise to God for watching over Beth and Natalia during this delivery, for keeping Beth strong and giving her endurance, and for both mother and baby being healthy. I praise him for the incredible gifts he has given me: salvation and 2 amazing women (ok, 1 woman, 1 baby girl). Your work is beautiful.

I would like to praise Beth for being amazing. Your strength and determination were incredible. I knew that you could do it and your ability to fight through the pain without giving in to the epidural was great. I knew that you had it in you and am so proud of you. When you were pushing you were phenomenal. I also thank you for not biting off my head for getting you pregnant and putting in all that pain. I am amazed by you and in awe of your capabilities. I know you are going to make an amazing mother and can't wait to experience this journey together.

Again, I must start off with God. Thank you for protecting my wife and baby girl and bringing them through this with good health. Thank you for my wife and our baby girl.

Thank you to Beth for being so strong and for giving me the gift of a baby girl.

Thank you to Beth's parents for being there and providing support throughout the labor and delivery.

Thank you to all of you who prayed for us and sent their wishes.

Thank you to Natalia for finally coming out and meeting us and for being so little so that you could make it a bit easier for your mommy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day.....

Sunday was Valentine's Day and Dan and I agreed not to get each other anything. Well, that is easier said than done. His beard trimming thingy was on the verge of dying and parts were breaking. He would use it as long as he possibly could if I let him. He does so much for Natalia and I, so she and I went shopping (not that she had choice in the matter) and we bought a new one! Nothing speaks romance like a new beard trimming thingy right? :) After he opened his gift, I blurted out, the romance is gone. I didn't mean this and wanted to put the words back into my mouth as they fell out. But, I couldn't.

Dan was finishing up taxes and we just had a lazy Sunday morning which is very rare for us since we go to small group and church on Sunday's. But, lately I have been wake most of the night rather than sleeping, so I was able to sleep a little bit longer Sunday morning and just enjoyed not having to rush.

Dan had to go shopping for our dinner and while he was gone, I did what I do best, I took a nap! It was nice and very much needed. He also had to get a gift, since I got him something, he felt bad that he didn't get me anything. Well, he did what we agreed on, but even a card would of been nice. That's besides the point. So, he came home and ran to the kitchen with bags in hand. He brought me the card first, and it said, "Don't tell anyone what I got you for Valentine's Day. I promise the romance isn't gone, but that's what they'll think." He got me a new mop and a broom! I was actually very happy for both of these. I threw out our old broom in Peoria and had to borrow a neighbors broom. Our mop didn't have anything to wring it out, so I had to do it by hand when I washed the floors. Gross!! So, he got me one that wrings out without my help. He also took my car for a car wash (MUCH NEEDED) and he got me flowers. On the back of the card were two coupons. One for a free broom and mop of the kitchen floor (I will wait until Natalia makes a HUGE mess to redeem this one) and the other was for a 15 minute massage.

Then, I watched TV while Dan made a delicious dinner. Steak, sauteed mushrooms, baked potato and veggies. MmM. It was perfect. There was red wine as well, but my taste buds are off and it wasn't for me. We ate by candle light and I literally had butterflies in my tummy. Dan got dressed up for the dinner too! As we sat there I was falling in love with him all over again. The dinners that we share from now on are super specail because soon, very soon, there will 3 of us and a candle light dinner may not happen as often as we would like.

After dinner we watched my most favorite Disney movie, "Beauty and The Beast!" I have seen this movie a dozen times, but it never gets old. During the dinner scene they play my favorite song, "Beauty and The Beast," and I asked Dan to dance. It was perfect. It is a moment that I will truly never forget. Right now, the simple things in life mean the most to me. Hormones? Very well could be, but either way, I am so happy with our life right now. Ok, so it would be a little bit better if Natalia was here instead of hurting ribs and pushing on my bladder every 5 minutes.

Valentine's Day 2010 is a day that I will never forget. Now, what other day in February will I never forget, well that just depends when Natalia is born!!

Bye for now.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Signature Figured Out!!!!

Just added a signature and I am thrilled that I was able to figure it out!!!!!!!!! :) Are you thrilled too??

**There are a lot of braxton hicks contractions going on!! Bring on the real ones please!!!!**

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Monday, February 1, 2010

This Month.....

**Advance warning---there is a lot of "venting" in this post.**
**I feel a millions times better after writing this, thank you for reading and the wonderful comments you will leave** :)

Can you all believe that this month Dan and I will each have a new identity? Mommy and Daddy are such sweet words to my ears. Yes, I am fully aware that she won't be able to say these words for some time, but none then less, we won't just be a son and daughter, brother or sister, friend, husband and wife, nephew or niece (you get the picture) we will be a mom and dad as well.

How am I feeling right now you ask? I have so many emotions going through me right now that when Dan left to head back to work after lunch I just started crying. Why? Who knows! I get spoiled by the weekends that is for sure. I enjoy our one on one time so much and cherish our time together, but soon that will all change. I am ready for that change, but it came sooner than I thought. For 37 weeks I have been pregnant, but in reality it hasn't felt that long! Okay, so maybe the last few weeks have dragged on because Natalia is running out of room and I am running out of energy to put a dang pair of socks on! But, I am over come with joy to finally meet this little miracle that has taken up residency in my body. I am ready to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about making it to the sink in time. I am scared about the unknown of labor and delivery. Sure I know what might happen, what could happen, or what will in fact happen. But, I am or try to be organized and I am planner. I plan out what I am going to wear at night for the next day, I plan out lunch the night before, I plan out weekends, weeks in advance. The fact that this is one event in our lives that I can't plan really makes me a tad bit nervous. ALL of the bags are packed, the pillows, the snack bag for my mom and Dan, the blood cord box, the relaxing music, and the car seat are all set to go. This is just one time that I will have to fly by the seat of my pants and I will be quite honest, I don't like it!!! So, Natalia can you give mommy a heads up when you think you might come? Didn't think so, but it was worth a shot.

We had some friends over for dinner on Sunday and there was some straightening up that needed to be done, nothing major and I got yelled at for getting on the floor and dusting! Granted I had to bend really low and practically squish Natalia (she was not harmed in any way) but Dan got really upset with me and told me to sit down and relax and he will take care of everything. He told me to take advantage of him saying that because soon I won't have that luxury of just sitting back and relaxing. So, that is what I did. It was very nice!! After everyone left and we were able to relax he gave me the most incredible massage ever. My back was in desperate need of it, and he knew it somehow. Thank you Dan!!!!

Okay, well after that post I feel much better and I think I am going to update my address book so when announcements are ready to go out, I will be able to just slap a label on the envelopes.