Sunday, October 28, 2012

Years From Now. . . .

I like to think I am a good planner.  I am semi organized and pay attention to details.  I like to be in control of certain situations and the older I get, and the longer I am a mommy, I realize there are some situations I am not able to 100% control.

In my mind our Christmas card pictures would be flawless and the girls would be smiling and we would be told how wonderful we were to work with.

Not. The.Case. For 2012.

We arrive 5 minutes early (which is always good when you have a toddler and infant) in time to change an accident and comb some hairs.

I brought Thomas and baby for the off chance they might have 2 people helping with pictures considering there is only one camera for the location we were at, but not so.  The extra workers just sat around talking about the latest movies out.  (HELLO, help us get these girls to smile PppppLllllEeeeeAaaaSsssEeeee?!

After all of the shots were taken, poses were struck, and tears were wiped we were able to relax and get to ready to view our portraits.

Do you want this package that is twice the amount of your house payment for the month. . . .ah no thanks.  We just want to use the Groupon and get these girls some dinner.

We had narrowed it down to 3 pictures that we both liked.  Then, it was down to 2.

One was a traditional you stand here, he puts his arm here and the girls don't look at the right time.


I hold one girl, you hold the other. One girl has a semi smile on her face and the other is in a daze from being tossed around like a sack of potatoes. But, included in the picture is the most favorite TOY(did you find it??) of the oldest girl, which in years from now will be something to look back on.

The second choice makes me tear up and so very happy that Dan and I were able to immediately agree that we needed that for our picture package pose.

Merry Christmas from The Harkness Family 2012 :)
(There now I don't have to send you a card, right??  Just kidding.)

In one month this sweet girl will be ONE year old.  That was the fastest year of my entire life.  But, the other day when it was super windy, I decided to head to a local park with the girls and captured some pictures that just melt my heart.  What do ya think??  

Having fun in the leaves. It took her a while to figure out the whole throwing multiple leaves, but she got it!!!

One little monkey sitting in a tree. . . . 

I took this picture for the sole purpose to see how long her lashes are in pictures, and goodness gracious.  Women pay good money for lashes like that!!!  Heart breaker on our hands for sure!

Time to say goodnight and another post will be up soon. . . . .


(Leave some love in the comment box.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Memories. . . .

In May of 2011, just months after finding out that we would be parents again, my grandpa passed away.  It was a hard time for all of us.  He was the glue that held our family together, and almost a year and a half later, I still believe that.  But, that is not what I am posting about.

We all have stuff.  We had to go through his things and donate, sell, or take what was in his house.  This was hard for many of my family members, myself included.

I was able to have a few things that meant the most to me:

 A table that was in their kitchen, that my brother and I used to color at.  I will soon have that table in my basement (unless we can make room for it upstairs) for my girls to sit and color at, maybe with their Uncle.

Card tables.  Who uses those anymore??  We do, and for the longest time I had one in my living room, that my grandpa asked to use during a party, and it took me a long time to take it down.

A painting for our kitchen that my grandpa painted by hand.  It was an adult version of color by number. 

My parents took a small table and two chairs that Mike and I used to sit at during Holiday meals.  The "kids" table.  As our family grows, and our girls get older, they will be sitting at that same table during the Holidays.

A Jerry (from Tom and Jerry) glass that I had always loved, but was never able to use.  My aunt liked it just as much for her iced tea.  :)

In this picture there are Fudge Striped Cookies.  These cookies are more than delicious.  They are a memory.  My grandma would buy these when my brother and I were coming over.  I would like to think that this is the only time, so Dad if you know otherwise, please don't tell me.  These cookies symbolize something more than just "cookies."  These are a new tradition that my mom has chosen to continue with my girls.  My heart was happy the other day.  When we got home from DC (Dan and I took a very quick trip there), and my mom and dad(HI!!) watched our girls.  When I unpacked their suitcase, I found a small bag of these cookies with a welcome home note.  It's the small gestures like that that make my heart happy, and the fact that my sweet girl shared one of those cookies with her mommy.

*I was shopping one day when Leona was just a new born and Natalia was not having a good day.  I felt like a walking zombie and was ready to call in sick!  We were in an aisle far from cookies, and on a shelf with toothpaste, was. . .. you guessed it, FUDGE STRIPED cookies!!!!   I think it was my grandma saying that though things maybe crazy right now with 2 under 2, it will be ok.  She was right.  I have managed 10 months with 2.  There are days when I go places with God only knows what on my shirt, dishes left in the sink until bedtime, and dust patiently waiting to be wiped away, but making the memories is what this whole mommy thing is about right?**

Miss you Grandma and Grandpa.  I know you would just love your grand daughters and I can only imagine what kind of goodies you would give them to make them feel special, like you did for Mike and I. 

The end.  (when tears start falling, it's no longer safe to type.  I might fry the keyboard or something!)

Monday, October 1, 2012


I love the closeness I have with my mom and dad.  I love even more that they are able to see their grandbabies often as well.  I don't remember how often I was able to see my grandparents when I was younger, but I don't think it was weekly or twice a week.  I know that my girls are to little to remember this, but they are creating memories for the Mimi and Papa that will last forever.

*I am blessed to have the parents I have.  But, even more blessed to have them be the grandparents of my children.*

They say a picture is worth a thousand words:

*This picture has me in happy tears.  I can't think of just one caption for it.  It makes my heart happy to see this.

This too:

*I can almost hear a conversation between these two:  "Mimi, he is eating lunch."  "He is a slob-o, he spilled hay all over."  My mom is honest and I chuckle when I hear slob-o.

(We spent a few hours walking around the zoo and Natalia and Leona took so much in that day.  Thank you Mom and Dad for spending a Saturday afternoon with us and the stinky animals.



How in world is this sweet girl 10 months old already?  She is an absolute sweetheart and I can't imagine her not here.  

*She has 2 teeth fully in, the 3rd is working it's way in.  We found out the 3rd had came down when my mom heard her grinding her little teeth together.  Nail.On.A.Chalkboard.  Ick.

*She army crawls and hand/knee crawls like it's her job.

*She is solely on table food and MUST feed her self, or else she will not eat.  You have been warned future babysitters.

*She pulls up on anything she can get her tiny hands on, even on things that aren't supposed to be pulled up on.

*She is drinking whole milk and looks forward to each and every bottle. 

*She says Mama, dada, baba, lala, goo goo, gaga,

*She sleeps from 8/8:30- 7:15ish, and still takes 2 naps 9:30-10:30 and 1-3:30/4

*She loves to be around her sister most days.

*She recognizes familiar faces and hates when mommy leaves, even for a second.

*She is ATTACHED to her pink elephant snuggle blanket that she sleeps with.  I tried taking it away to wash it, and she felt around for it while her eyes were closed!  Ha.  I like that she loves that elephant.  I had a security blanket for a LONG time, and I turned out ok.

*She is the cuddliest(made up word??) baby I know and I love rocking at night with her.


Ok.  That is the end of this post.  I need to read and relax before we start another day.  

