Hello there,

Yes, I am back. I know I am NOT good at updating at all like some people. However, I am here and ready to share how my parents took the news that they were going to be Grandparents. Dan and I were really debating on whether or not to tell any family until I have my first doctors visit. Anything is possible with pregnancy and we didn't know if we wanted to tell anyone in case the unmentionable were to happen. But, we couldn't resist and told my parents Friday, June 19th. We met my parents and brother and his girlfriend Dana up at Pepe's (the same place Dan asked my parents if he could marry me) for dinner. Dana knew all along, not because I told her, but I did say that we had some pretty exciting news. It could of been that Dan had found a job, but she was stickin to her guns that I was for sure pregnant. After everyone had ordered Dan and I gave them their "belated" anniversary gift. Of course it was belated, we didn't know I was pregnant until after their anniversary and even ours for that matter!
My mom slowly opened the gift, removing the tissue paper as if it were worth a million dollars. She looked at the picture and looked at and I am sure thought to herself in her head, "Why did they give us a picture of themselves?" I told her to read the back of the frame out loud and that is exactly what she did.
"Price of picture- 28 cents."
"Price of frame--$4.18 (on sale!)."
"Realizing there are 3 people in the picture-- Priceless!"
She got to about "there are 3....." when she started to cry! My dad said, "Oh my gosh, REALLY?!" Mike was clueless and Dana had guessed right.
Hugs were exchanged, alcohol was had (not by me of course) and generous tips were left because my mom was more than excited. It is a moment in my life I will never forget and I am happy that we were able to share it with my parents.
We told my dad's immediate side of the family on Father's Day. He had just finished opening up his birthday and father's day gifts, when I announced that I had a belated gift for Dan for our anniversary. My Aunt Debbie said, "What is it a positive pregnancy test?" Gosh, why does everyone think I am pregnant? Well, Dan pulled out the gift first because the card would of been a dead give away. The gift is for his van and it's a window cling that says Baby On Board! So, again the pregnancy guess was great. My grandpa pondered this for a minute and said, my god, I am going to be a great grandpa. That is so true! He is a wonderful man, and I just pray that he doesn't throw our baby over his railing in the living room like he did with my dolls!
Dan's family still does not know. He is waayy better at keeping secrets than I am. I couldn't keep my mouth shut for two seconds let alone a whole month! Truth be told, I was texting with two dear friends of mine who are also pregnant (one is due very soon!!!) after I saw the very faint line. Then, I decided to call Dan. I needed clarification (see this post.) So you see, I am NOT able to keep my mouth shut for a long period of time at all.
But, back to his family. I get so distracted when writing on here. Bare with me. How are we going to tell his family?? We designed M&M's!!! It cost an arm and a leg, but will be worth it to see his mom's face (I hope!) They are pink and blue, naturally, and say Baby Harkness Is on The Way. Yay. I want to eat them. It's a 7 oz. bag and I am able to say that there are still 7 oz. of M&M's left, for now.
Well, that is all I have to post for now. I am literally knocking on wood as I can safely say to this point there has not been any sickness! Yahoo.

Let me start by saying Congrats! By this blog I have come to learn that your parents, brother, SIL and your father's side of the family, plus friends, all knew more than 2 weeks before me about this news! yikes I feel low on the totem pole. LOL. As far as the baby on board sign, that doesn't mean he is going to drive slow and careful. It really means he has a screaming child in the car and will be driving like a madman so other drivers WATCH OUT! I am very happy for you guys and wish you a healthy, morning sickness free pregnancy. I hope you will put a picture on here so we can see you progress. I can't wait to see baby Harkness next summer when you guys come out and you guys will finally get to meet Riana.