Hello There,
If you are reading this, get prepared for a SURPRISE!! I mean, who doesn't like surprises?! But, I won't tell you about it just yet....Keep reading. On June 9th Dan and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and it was one of the best nights of my life and hopefully his to. I went to work only to find out there were tooooo many teachers and not enough babies to keep us all there. So, since it was our anniversary in all, I decided to head home early (after being there only an hour and a half.) I needed to run to Wal-Mart and get a gift. Check, did that. So, I went home and wrapped it and then spent a lot of time on the computer doing God only knows what. Dan was searching for and applying for jobs! Eeeekkkk.
I had been feeling extra tired all week, and our anniversary was no exception. So, I took a mini nap before we headed out to my favorite restaurant of all times--- Kobe Japanese Steak House. YUM! Then, after there we went to Borders to relax and just let our food settle before moving on in our date. After about 45 minutes we were ready for the desert!! Cold Stone. Ahhh, that's a treat for us, because we don't go there ever. Then, on the way home we saw huge amounts of water being shot up from the ground. We decided to stop and check it out. After talking with someone from the water company we found out that 3-400 gallons of water were being pushed out. Those poor families behind the incident must of lost water for a while when it was getting fixed.
Wednesday was just an ordinary day. I went to work, worked until 4:45, got pooped on right before I left (gotta love working in the infant room!) had to get beans for dinner at Jubilee and paid an arm and a leg for them while still wearing the dirty shirt. Finally, at home at last!!!! Dan made dinner (as he does every night!!! I adore him for doing that. I would rather do 10 loads of laundry than cook) and then he went grocery shopping for a few more things that I didn't get. I had a feeling that I should just take a pregnancy test, so I did. The results!?! A positive!!!! I about fainted, but I pulled my act together and called Dan and asked him to PLEASE HURRY and get a few more tests from the store. Well, as much as I love Dan, there are times when you should NOT be cheap, and buying a HPT is one of them. He got one from Dollar General for $1. I took it and of course it came back negative. So, we took a trip to Wal-Mart and bought a digital test (2 pack) and a 3 pack of First Respone. I took the digital test and waiting 3 lousey minutes felt like an hour!! The hour glass was ticking away and FINALLY it had a word on it, a word I will never ever forgot as long as I shall live.... PREGNANT! See, take a look!
Sure this was a huge surprise for us, but we couldn't be happier during this exciting time!!.
Well, that's the exciting news and I am happy I was able to share it with you!
Bye for now.
Harky's Soulmate
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