If you remember me writing this post then you will enjoy reading this updated version.
Pregnancy can do some strange things to your body and that it did! I had a list of random pregnancy facts about me and I am now going to share the post facts although, there are not many compared to during the pregnancy.
1. I no longer have heart burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippie. My best friend TUMS has been put back into the medicine closet and will return when we are expecting our next child.
2. My shoes fit again and are a tad bit big actually. The swelling went down right away pretty much in my feet. My ankles though are another story.
3. I can eat Mexican again, namely Pepe's!!!! It tasted so good after having to give it up for 8 months!
4. I can get up in the mornings and not have to run to the bathroom or a sink or anything in which I can get sick in.
5. My skin is back to normal. I was getting awful acne on my chin and for the most part, it has cleared up!!
6. I lost 14 lbs after she was born!!! 6 pounds to go to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, and well a tab bit more to my "goal" weight.
7. My appetite has disappeared, so for the most part I eat just to get enough nutrients to feed Natalia. I hope it returns soon.
8. I am sleeping like a baby at night and that is kind of scary because we need to wake up when Natalia does for a diaper or feeding.
9. I can put my socks on and not almost pass out while doing so!!!!!
10. I was able to shave my legs all by myself for the first time in months!! Thanks Dan for your previous help, but it won't be needed again until we add another Harkness to the bunch.
11. My sense of smell is not as strong as it was just weeks ago. I can still smell things that Dan can't but not nearly like before.
12. Natalia was born on the 19th and her cord fell off one week after she was born. :) I thought it was going to stay on for longer.
13. My belly button never popped out!!!!!
14. We are now doing more laundry than ever before in our lives!! It is well worth it though even if it means having to clean up spit up often.
That is all I can think of for now. I would love to know who is reading the blogs I write. So, please comment. Everyone should be able to, regardless if you have an account or not!
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