The post below this one was absolutely amazing to read. I am so very proud of myself for having the strength to delivery a baby WITHOUT an epidural!!
Yes, I had a birth plan, because that is what I like to do, plan things. Well, this is one BIG event I was not able to plan and pretty much nothing went the way I wanted it to, except the end result: delivering a healthy baby. Sure, I had a vision of how the laboring would pan out and that was far from what really happened. I knew from the very beginning that an epidural was not for me. I have a very big pain tolerance and that was proven on the 19th when I gave birth with only two doses of pain medication. I don't really have a rhyme or reason why I was anti-epidural, I just didn't have the desire to get one and a lot of people questioned that, especially the doctor who delivered Natalia. I am not gonna lie, the pain at the very end made me think twice about getting one, and in the end, well by the time I was thinking about it, it was toooooooo late!
I am so very amazed at the human body in general. I was worried I would have to push for days ( ok, not literally days, but at most, hours) and my determination was strong enough, that I had her out in about 12 pushes- 15 minutes!! WOW.
So, when we decide to have another blessing added to our family, I will plan on NOT having a birthing plan and let nature take its course.
**I was very nice to Dan during the labor aspect, I only said one "mean" thing, and that was SHUSH when he told me to breathe. It was easier and more "rewarding" for me to scream than to think about breathing. After she was born, I was able to breathe. :)
With that said, I have a baby girl that wants to hang out with her mama. I will be back soon, til then I plan on getting to know Natalia and that is one plan I know I will be able to keep!!!!!!!!!
Much love,
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