Dan was finishing up taxes and we just had a lazy Sunday morning which is very rare for us since we go to small group and church on Sunday's. But, lately I have been wake most of the night rather than sleeping, so I was able to sleep a little bit longer Sunday morning and just enjoyed not having to rush.
Dan had to go shopping for our dinner and while he was gone, I did what I do best, I took a nap! It was nice and very much needed. He also had to get a gift, since I got him something, he felt bad that he didn't get me anything. Well, he did what we agreed on, but even a card would of been nice. That's besides the point. So, he came home and ran to the kitchen with bags in hand. He brought me the card first, and it said, "Don't tell anyone what I got you for Valentine's Day. I promise the romance isn't gone, but that's what they'll think." He got me a new mop and a broom! I was actually very happy for both of these. I threw out our old broom in Peoria and had to borrow a neighbors broom. Our mop didn't have anything to wring it out, so I had to do it by hand when I washed the floors. Gross!! So, he got me one that wrings out without my help. He also took my car for a car wash (MUCH NEEDED) and he got me flowers. On the back of the card were two coupons. One for a free broom and mop of the kitchen floor (I will wait until Natalia makes a HUGE mess to redeem this one) and the other was for a 15 minute massage.
Then, I watched TV while Dan made a delicious dinner. Steak, sauteed mushrooms, baked potato and veggies. MmM. It was perfect. There was red wine as well, but my taste buds are off and it wasn't for me. We ate by candle light and I literally had butterflies in my tummy. Dan got dressed up for the dinner too! As we sat there I was falling in love with him all over again. The dinners that we share from now on are super specail because soon, very soon, there will 3 of us and a candle light dinner may not happen as often as we would like.
After dinner we watched my most favorite Disney movie, "Beauty and The Beast!" I have seen this movie a dozen times, but it never gets old. During the dinner scene they play my favorite song, "Beauty and The Beast," and I asked Dan to dance. It was perfect. It is a moment that I will truly never forget. Right now, the simple things in life mean the most to me. Hormones? Very well could be, but either way, I am so happy with our life right now. Ok, so it would be a little bit better if Natalia was here instead of hurting ribs and pushing on my bladder every 5 minutes.
Valentine's Day 2010 is a day that I will never forget. Now, what other day in February will I never forget, well that just depends when Natalia is born!!
Bye for now.
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