Here is it, the story of Leona's birth.
On Tuesday, the 29th of November I had a doctors appointment with my OB. She checked me and I was 1.5 maybe 2 Cm dilated. That was it. So, we scheduled my induction for Thursday the 1st of December at 12 PM since she would be doing a surgery that morning.
On Wednesday the 30th I had my NST (non stress test) and during the test my contractions were about 6 minutes apart, but not very consistent. The nurse joked and said I wouldn't be surprised if you go into labor tonight. I left the hospital, and was ready to go home and get a good nights sleep before the labor began.
Wednesday night we went to Logan's Steak House for dinner, the 3 of us, and then we went to the mall. Dan and Natalia were in the play area, while I went to a few stores. As I was walking around, my contractions started up again, but died down by the time we got home around 7:45. When we got home I went down stairs to type up some things for my 3 friends that were going to spend Thursday with Natalia. I sent a text to my mom saying that I just wanted to cuddle with Natalia that night before we became a family of 4. Around 8:28 I was heading up stairs from the basement (16 stairs) is a whole lot for a 39 week pregnant lady! By the time I had reached the top, I knew my water had broken.
Dan was on the couch and Natalia was waiting for me at the top of the stairs. I went to the restroom and called my doctor. The answer call service lady had mentioned how calm I was and got my doctor on the other line. I could tell my doctor had been sleeping since she had an early morning, but I told her my water had broke, and she was going to call the hospital to let them know we were on our way.
After dropping Natalia off with a friend of mine, we were heading to the hospital around 9:45 PM. We were put into a room for a while to monitor the heart beat of Leona. After a while, I was in my room.
I had contractions that came and went, but there was no rhyme or reason to them. So, that was discouraging. I was 2 Cm and that was it. I thought it was going to be a very long night. The labor and delivery floor was very busy this night, so I had to wait until 1:30 until my pick(??) line was put in for the fludids and patocin. I was checked again 2 more times and both times I was a 4, VERY discouraging. The last check was at 4:30 and that was a 4 cm as well. I was on my side at this point for only about 15 minutes and I went from a 4 to a 10!! Talk about amazing. I thought I could feel the urge to push, but wasn't sure if it was the pain medicine that I had been given, that was fading away or if I had to really push.
My doctor came in and checked me and said, "Let's have a baby!" I began pushing around 4:50 AM (I made sure to look at the clock.) and about 13 minutes later I was the mommy of 2 beautiful girls. At first I forgot how to push, but then I quickly was reminded.
She came out with her right hand next to her cheek, and then her tiny slippery body came out and I was no longer in pain!
She was 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.
Well, that is the story of Leona and her coming into this world. It's late, and I need to head to bed.
Bye for now. . .
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Changes. . .
Hello Blog friends,
I have been really bad at posting and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Sorry. But, I will post when I have a free moment, like I do right now.
Yesterday was Natalia's first day in the toddler room at church. She was with Heather in the nursery for 16 months of her precious life, and we are forever thankful for her for taking such good care of our baby for the 2.5 hours every week. We thought N would have reservations about going into the room, want to cling to mommy and not want any part of it. We were completely wrong. She took off her coat and walked right into the room like she owned it. Our sweet almost 21 month old is so very independent when she needs to be and yet still much a mommy's girl when I need her to be. Yes, that's right, there are times when I just want her to cuddle with me at night before going to sleep, or so grab a hug during playtime or just sitting on the couch watching cartoons and then she lays her head on my arm, as if to say, "I like you." When I got her from the toddler room, she was ready to leave. They got her bag ready and put her picture in it and her sippy and off we went to find Dan. He immediately asked where her picture was. That is one of the differences between the 2 rooms. He looked at it and almost started crying, right there in the middle of the atrium. Then, it hit me, our baby is no longer a baby, but a very active, healthy, fun toddler who now gets drawings every week along with a snack.
Leona will be here soon I hope. I really don't want to go to my due date. I am ready to have her out of me and in my arms instead. I forgot how uncomfortable the last few weeks are, but I am quickly reminded that despite all of that, I am so very blessed that my body is able to carry a baby, so then I ponder that for a while and forget about the massive heartburn and frequent bathroom trips I make, and thank God that she is growing and healthy.
We have one more ultrasound before we get to officially meet her. I really hope she isn't hiding her face again. Every US we had, it has been hidden, as if she knows we want to get a peek at it and is being stubborn already. Either way, I am excited to meet her and see what she is like.
Well, the princess is asleep, so I think I will lay down for a bit too. I am exhausted and I haven't even done much today. I will be posting again very soon. But, it will be for N and L.
Bye for now,
I have been really bad at posting and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Sorry. But, I will post when I have a free moment, like I do right now.
Yesterday was Natalia's first day in the toddler room at church. She was with Heather in the nursery for 16 months of her precious life, and we are forever thankful for her for taking such good care of our baby for the 2.5 hours every week. We thought N would have reservations about going into the room, want to cling to mommy and not want any part of it. We were completely wrong. She took off her coat and walked right into the room like she owned it. Our sweet almost 21 month old is so very independent when she needs to be and yet still much a mommy's girl when I need her to be. Yes, that's right, there are times when I just want her to cuddle with me at night before going to sleep, or so grab a hug during playtime or just sitting on the couch watching cartoons and then she lays her head on my arm, as if to say, "I like you." When I got her from the toddler room, she was ready to leave. They got her bag ready and put her picture in it and her sippy and off we went to find Dan. He immediately asked where her picture was. That is one of the differences between the 2 rooms. He looked at it and almost started crying, right there in the middle of the atrium. Then, it hit me, our baby is no longer a baby, but a very active, healthy, fun toddler who now gets drawings every week along with a snack.
Leona will be here soon I hope. I really don't want to go to my due date. I am ready to have her out of me and in my arms instead. I forgot how uncomfortable the last few weeks are, but I am quickly reminded that despite all of that, I am so very blessed that my body is able to carry a baby, so then I ponder that for a while and forget about the massive heartburn and frequent bathroom trips I make, and thank God that she is growing and healthy.
We have one more ultrasound before we get to officially meet her. I really hope she isn't hiding her face again. Every US we had, it has been hidden, as if she knows we want to get a peek at it and is being stubborn already. Either way, I am excited to meet her and see what she is like.
Well, the princess is asleep, so I think I will lay down for a bit too. I am exhausted and I haven't even done much today. I will be posting again very soon. But, it will be for N and L.
Bye for now,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Enough love. . . . ???
Well, well, well--we meet again. It has been a while since I last posted and the only reason for that is because I am lazy, tired, and busy with a toddler. If I even try to take out the lap top while she is near by, within minutes she is at my side, pushing buttons and turning the lap top off! It's easier this way--to write while she is in bed, having sweet dreams.
In 3 months exactly is my "due date" and I am more nervous than a 16 year taking a driving exam! I was fine with Natalia, but this time it's different. I have spent the last 18 months (which will be almost 22 by the time Leona is born) alone with Natalia. It has just been me and her during the day while Dan works hard for the money. I struggle with feeling like a bad mommy for having another baby so close in age with and not waiting until she was older, and maybe in preschool. I know that in the long run they will both benefit from having each other, but right now I want to cry when I think about having to share my time with Natalia and Leona. Does that make me selfish? I hope not, because that's not how I want it to be at all. I love my girls to pieces and would do anything for either of them, but I am worried that Natalia and I are both going to have a hard time adjusting to having another human being in our home.
I guess once she is here it will be easier to judge how things will go, right now I am basing it on how she reacts when I hold a doll! Ha. Oh boy, we are in trouble.
In case you didn't get it---her name is going to be Leona (our girl version of Leonard--after my grandpa) and Marie will be her middle name after my grandma. Both names have so much importance to us as do Natalia's names. Our girls are namesakes and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, it's bed time and I need to go take some tums. The heartburn is beyond ridiculous right now.
In 3 months exactly is my "due date" and I am more nervous than a 16 year taking a driving exam! I was fine with Natalia, but this time it's different. I have spent the last 18 months (which will be almost 22 by the time Leona is born) alone with Natalia. It has just been me and her during the day while Dan works hard for the money. I struggle with feeling like a bad mommy for having another baby so close in age with and not waiting until she was older, and maybe in preschool. I know that in the long run they will both benefit from having each other, but right now I want to cry when I think about having to share my time with Natalia and Leona. Does that make me selfish? I hope not, because that's not how I want it to be at all. I love my girls to pieces and would do anything for either of them, but I am worried that Natalia and I are both going to have a hard time adjusting to having another human being in our home.
I guess once she is here it will be easier to judge how things will go, right now I am basing it on how she reacts when I hold a doll! Ha. Oh boy, we are in trouble.
In case you didn't get it---her name is going to be Leona (our girl version of Leonard--after my grandpa) and Marie will be her middle name after my grandma. Both names have so much importance to us as do Natalia's names. Our girls are namesakes and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, it's bed time and I need to go take some tums. The heartburn is beyond ridiculous right now.
Monday, July 11, 2011
In Heaven
This is going to be a "Stream of Conscience" post. . . (totally random). . .
When I sit on our couch and I look up at the entertainment center there is a frame that ALWAYS catches my eye. It's A picture of Natalia and her great-grandpa, and a picture of my Grandpa, Dad, Natalia and I (4 generations.) My grandpa passed away in early May, and I still can't believe it's real. He was supposed to come for Easter and we put up a snack tray next to the couch for his drink (Squirt--which we still have plenty of) and I can't find myself to take it down. We only put it up when he would come over, mainly because we never sit on the small couch. I feel like it's a bad dream and very soon, we will see him again. My parents and Dan, Natalia and I were at his house the night before he went into the hospital. We brought dinner over. It was my idea to go over there, and I don't regret the decision one bit. We spent 4.5 hours with him, and I think if any of us knew that the following day would be the last day we could get to talk to him where he would understand what we were saying, we would of stayed longer, created more memories, taken more pictures. But, that's the funny thing about life. You just never know what is going to happen in life. I feel like I never really told my grandpa how much I loved him and how much he means to our family. I am sure he knew, but, it's not the same. I get a lump in my throat when I think about the first night in the hospital and I went to see him. He was lifeless pretty much. I was talking to him about the baby that is due in December and how he had to get better so that he could be here for that baby and when I spoke of the baby-to-be he squeezed my hand. Then, at one point he raised both of his hands as if to say "Take me Lord, I am ready." That was so very hard to see because we were selfish and weren't ready to let him go. Before I got married I said, I want my dad and grandpa to be at my wedding. That was done. Then, I said I want them both to meet their first grand/great grand child and that was done as well, but I was not ready to let him go. He lived a great life. Had a wonderful wife (I miss you too grandma) and 4 wonderful children. But, things will never be the same without him. How do we celebrate a holiday when he is not there? How do we welcome another baby into the family, when that child won't have a picture with their grandpa/great-grandpa? I want to try to incorporate his name into the babies name, so we will see what we come up with.
I am sure my stream of emotions are due to the pregnancy and just missing him all together. Well, thank you for letting me share that with you all.
If you read our blog, please comment. I would love to know who follows me.
Go create memories with your family---because you just don't know how much time is left.
<3 Beth
When I sit on our couch and I look up at the entertainment center there is a frame that ALWAYS catches my eye. It's A picture of Natalia and her great-grandpa, and a picture of my Grandpa, Dad, Natalia and I (4 generations.) My grandpa passed away in early May, and I still can't believe it's real. He was supposed to come for Easter and we put up a snack tray next to the couch for his drink (Squirt--which we still have plenty of) and I can't find myself to take it down. We only put it up when he would come over, mainly because we never sit on the small couch. I feel like it's a bad dream and very soon, we will see him again. My parents and Dan, Natalia and I were at his house the night before he went into the hospital. We brought dinner over. It was my idea to go over there, and I don't regret the decision one bit. We spent 4.5 hours with him, and I think if any of us knew that the following day would be the last day we could get to talk to him where he would understand what we were saying, we would of stayed longer, created more memories, taken more pictures. But, that's the funny thing about life. You just never know what is going to happen in life. I feel like I never really told my grandpa how much I loved him and how much he means to our family. I am sure he knew, but, it's not the same. I get a lump in my throat when I think about the first night in the hospital and I went to see him. He was lifeless pretty much. I was talking to him about the baby that is due in December and how he had to get better so that he could be here for that baby and when I spoke of the baby-to-be he squeezed my hand. Then, at one point he raised both of his hands as if to say "Take me Lord, I am ready." That was so very hard to see because we were selfish and weren't ready to let him go. Before I got married I said, I want my dad and grandpa to be at my wedding. That was done. Then, I said I want them both to meet their first grand/great grand child and that was done as well, but I was not ready to let him go. He lived a great life. Had a wonderful wife (I miss you too grandma) and 4 wonderful children. But, things will never be the same without him. How do we celebrate a holiday when he is not there? How do we welcome another baby into the family, when that child won't have a picture with their grandpa/great-grandpa? I want to try to incorporate his name into the babies name, so we will see what we come up with.
I am sure my stream of emotions are due to the pregnancy and just missing him all together. Well, thank you for letting me share that with you all.
If you read our blog, please comment. I would love to know who follows me.
Go create memories with your family---because you just don't know how much time is left.
<3 Beth
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Major Updates. . .
Wow! I guess I am not very good at keeping up with this at all. I mean it's not like I am busy or anything with an active toddler. A picture is worth a thousand words. . . so let this picture do some explaining (most of you already know what is happening in our lives. . . )

We couldn't happier about this amazing blessing. I am "due" December 7th. Just 3 days before my brothers and cousins birthday. Will it be a trio celebration? I hope not! I don't want to be over due! Yuck. I am thinking around Thanksgiving this bundle of joy will make an appearance. If it was safe for me to go in the middle of November I would to honor my Grandpa's birthday. We lost him in May and it still hurts my heart to think that Natalia and future children never got to know him. I was so very blessed to have known my great-grandpa and enjoy his presence while on earth.
Ok. Enough sadness for one post---Back to Natalia. She is 16 months old and is growing by leaps and bounds. She never crawled or pulled up on things until this last month. On her 15 month check up her doctor was concerned with her muscle tone and her not walking so we were referred to a PT. We have gone 3 times and every time she cries because we are not with her (when we are with her, she doesn't want to do anything.) So, we had to show some tough love and something is working. Because I am so very happy to say that she is not pulling up on anything and everything---even stairs! She is starting to crawl as well and I can't help but hoop and howler when she does it! It is so incredible to see her change right before my very eyes. She is a mama's girl for sure! I love it. I love hearing "Mama" in the morning and now I hear "I wove you" in the morning as well and that just makes my heart melt. How can one tiny being take up so much space in ones heart? She does a great job of it!
I haven't been sick like I was with Natalia, but I have had sickness in the morning. Natalia caught on and coughs when I cough (which is normally a sign that I will be getting sick.) At first we thought she was choking and then realized what was going on. Stinker.
Well, I have written enough to keep you guys reading for a while. I will have an ultra sound at the end of July and hopefully the baby will cooperate with us. :)
We couldn't happier about this amazing blessing. I am "due" December 7th. Just 3 days before my brothers and cousins birthday. Will it be a trio celebration? I hope not! I don't want to be over due! Yuck. I am thinking around Thanksgiving this bundle of joy will make an appearance. If it was safe for me to go in the middle of November I would to honor my Grandpa's birthday. We lost him in May and it still hurts my heart to think that Natalia and future children never got to know him. I was so very blessed to have known my great-grandpa and enjoy his presence while on earth.
Ok. Enough sadness for one post---Back to Natalia. She is 16 months old and is growing by leaps and bounds. She never crawled or pulled up on things until this last month. On her 15 month check up her doctor was concerned with her muscle tone and her not walking so we were referred to a PT. We have gone 3 times and every time she cries because we are not with her (when we are with her, she doesn't want to do anything.) So, we had to show some tough love and something is working. Because I am so very happy to say that she is not pulling up on anything and everything---even stairs! She is starting to crawl as well and I can't help but hoop and howler when she does it! It is so incredible to see her change right before my very eyes. She is a mama's girl for sure! I love it. I love hearing "Mama" in the morning and now I hear "I wove you" in the morning as well and that just makes my heart melt. How can one tiny being take up so much space in ones heart? She does a great job of it!
I haven't been sick like I was with Natalia, but I have had sickness in the morning. Natalia caught on and coughs when I cough (which is normally a sign that I will be getting sick.) At first we thought she was choking and then realized what was going on. Stinker.
Well, I have written enough to keep you guys reading for a while. I will have an ultra sound at the end of July and hopefully the baby will cooperate with us. :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
One Year Ago
Well, in about 24 hours Natalia will be One Year old. I would write tomorrow on her actual birthday, but I will be to busy celebrating the birth of a precious baby girl with our family and close friends. As I look back on the this past year I can't help but think how blessed we are to have a healthy baby. Everyday she brings joy to Dan and myself and I fall in love with her all over again. She can turn my day right around when it's not going as planned. She has the best personality ever and I look forward to all the birthdays ahead with her.
Natalia--your daddy and I love you so much and thank God for you everyday. You are very special to us because you did something that means more to us than anything else, you made us parents and we couldn't be more honored than to be your parents. You are a fun, bright, silly girl and make us laugh so much everyday.
I hope that you have a fun day tomorrow and that I don't cry to much! :)
We love you Natalia,
Mommy and Daddy <3
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