Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Got Your Back


So, I guess I should post some other things besides the progress of the baby. I have been having "morning sickness" and it always comes after my shower right before breakfast. It's just dry heaves though. I guess that's better than what it could be. I am just ready for it to stop. It is really putting a toll on my back and throat. I could eat mashed potatoes, noodles, or rice every day and all day! My chest is growing and I wasn't expecting that until later, but it's a part of this wonderful journey. I am getting tired alot earlier in the evening and usually get 8 hours of sleep and then look forward to a nap at work. That is right, during my break I go either to my car (depending on weather) or back into the storm shelter and take a nap. It is always much needed.

Dan and I went to the doctor July 6th, and I am not sure if I posted about the visit. When we got there I had to fill out paper work and then go take a pee test. Normally that is pretty difficult to do on demand, but now it's a piece of cake! Then, we went and had an internal ultrasound done. No, it didn't hurt. I had already experieced it 2 previous times, so it was nothing new. As soon as she put the magic wand in I saw the baby's heart beating and tears just filled my eyes. Dan was sitting right next to me and it is a moment in our lives that I will never ever forget. The baby was measuring at .99cm and his/her heart beat was 143 (which could be a girl?!?!) Next it was time for the blood work. It took 3 nurses to find a vein to even get blood from! They poked my left arm, right hand and then finally was able to get some from my right wrist. Never had blood drawn from my wrist, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Any suggestions for next month when I get more blood work done on how to make my veins cooperate?

The title of this blog is "I Got Your Back." It's because every time I start to cough it usually means I am going to run to the sink. Not only am I at the sink, but Dan is almost always in toe getting ready to rub my back. I am sure if he could take away this particular symptom of pregnancy he would. He has been amazing thus far through all of this. He has been the one to get me new bras actually! Can you believe that? He always knows when I say "I have a taste for...." that I will want something, and want it in a timly matter. He makes sure I take all of my pills (prenatal, brain development (code for icky fish oil, and calcium chews.) He has brought me lemon drops and oyster crackers to work when I wasn't feeling to well. I know he felt kind of left out when we were at the doctor because they were asking about my family history and not his. The doctor was sweet and said, "Not that you don't count, but unless there were genetic problems, it's just the mom's family's history that we need." He was still hurt. Did he really want to get blood work done and sit and answer questions that the answers are all no?? Not really. Instead we finished up and went to lunch.

Well, that is all if have for now. Thank you for reading!!



  1. Make sure you are really well hydrated the next time that they draw blood! If you are at the least dehydrated it can make it very difficult to find a vein. This happened to me just a few weeks ago and I had bruises up and down my arms. Congrats!

  2. Camomile tea can help.

    I remember with Susan. One morning Dan's mother Susan woke up and threw up. I'm like, what's the matter, she say's I think I'm pregnant, I'm like "man!"

    We did the natural method, and when it was all said and done, the nurse looked at me and said, "are you ok."
